Bachelor Curriculum

Our bachelor classes follow the goal of familiarizing students with the topics of Strategic Management and to enable them to take on responsible positions in the areas of strategic management, consulting, and corporate development. Course contents focus both on analytical as well as design-oriented aspects of strategic management and leadership.

LanguageModuleTypeSWSECTSWT 22/23ST 23WT 23/24ST 24
Basics in Business Administration
BWL in Theorie und Praxis (Ringvorlesung)DEOrientierungsmodulL23(x)(x)
Schlüsselqualifikationen (START with Business Modelling)ENOrientierungsmodulL+T46xx
OrganisationstheorieENBetriebswirtschaftliche GrundlagenL+T46(x)ExamxExam
Specialization Courses
Strategie- und Projektimplementierung (Change Management)DEKompetenzbereiche der BWL I – IIIL46(x)(x)
Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases ENMarketing and Strategy oder
Kompetenzbereiche der BWL I – III
Seminar Strategische UnternehmensführungDEVertiefung BetriebswirtschaftslehreSN/A6xxxx

The assignment of the courses to the respective modules and the corresponding specification of the ECTS points depends on your respective PStO.

  • (x) = offered in cooperation with another Chair
  • L = Lecture
  • L+T = Lecture and Tutorial
  • S = Seminar